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You Can Know your Psyche

You Can Know your Psyche

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sadarajlakshmi 1 year, 4 months ago Verified Buyer

Highly recommend book..

This is a non fictional book. The major questions that this book examines are purely based on an articulate account of our authors deep research and understanding of this subject. As informed She was into counselling and few examples have also been referred here. The way the book answers these questions, and the relevant details about the authors credentials are praiseworthy.

Sorted into different topics like firstly what is Psychology, to different types of behavior, how we are influenced by our parents, teachers, environmental that effect our personality development are added here. The topic which drew my attention was anger management, how to control it. Writer has communicated it with a story of a man and his servant Ramu.

Writer has also detailed and analysed about different emotions of a human mind and heart, like desire, jealousy, envy and a very important content about Educational psychology.
This books can educate readers on vital subjects, offer