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पाण्याची गोष्ट (eBook)

Story of water
Type: e-book
Genre: Education & Language, Biographies & Memoirs
Language: Marathi
Price: ₹0
Available Formats: PDF


पूर्वीच्या गोष्टींमध्ये 'आटपाट नगर असायचं. आत्ताच्या या प्रसंगकथनामध्ये आटलेले पाण्याचे पाट पुन्हा जिथे वाहते झाले, त्या गावांची गोष्ट आहे. महाराष्ट्रातला मराठवाडा हा तसा तहानलेला परिसर. त्यातून गेल्या ४-५ वर्षात निसर्गाची अवकृपा झालेली. नेमेचि येणाऱ्या दुष्काळाशी दोन हात करणाऱ्या युवकांची आणि गावकऱ्यांची ही गोष्ट आहे. ज्ञान प्रबोधिनीच्या अंबाजोगाई विस्तार केंद्रातील कार्यकर्ते श्री. प्रसाद चिक्षे यांनी अनभवलेली आणि घडविलेली ही पाणलोट क्षेत्र विकासाची थरारक आणि हृदयस्पर्शी कथा.

About the Author

Mr.Prasad was born in Ambajogai in 1971. His dad was an engineer and his mom, a teacher. He lost his dad at the age of 3. Being raised by a single mother, her strength and sensitivity had a great influence on his development as a person. He was a troublesome student who struggled in middle school. One of his most vivid memories from those times is watching his mother cry when he performed poorly in his exams. Beyond any reproach, it was the love and respect for her that instilled in him the need for integrity in his words and diligence in his actions – both of which have been key self-measures in all his life choices.

His academics took a positive turn after he switched schools, and he went on to study engineering at College of Engineering, Pune. It was there that he was inspired by Dr.Vivek Kulkarni,...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789354165689
Publisher: विवेकवाडी परिवार
Number of Pages: 142
Availability: Available for Download (e-book)

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