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Principles of AstroPsychology

Research Based on 500+ Actual Horoscopes
Gaurav Agrawal
Type: Print Book
Genre: Astrology
Language: English
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AstroPsychology is relatively a new subject. This is an effort to apply the wisdom of astrology to the new born modern psychology and develop a better understanding of human behaviour. What makes it a hot topic of discussion is its promise to be capable of bringing positive changes in human behaviour and personality. Astrology in itself is a very wide subject and can be applied to all faces of human life and even to all faces of life in general. Psychology, in the west, finds its roots in philosophy and metaphysics. But one may question if there was no system to understand the human mind and human behaviour for thousands of years. Didn’t our forefathers ever need to understand it? Or they never questioned how it was happening. Just thinking it logically would reveal that for sure there were systems to explain all of it and even cure the...

About the Author

The author of this book Dr. Gaurav Agrawal has previously worked as Assistant Professor in the department of Clinical Psychology in Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar. He earned his PhD in clinical psychology. He lives in the beautiful and holy city of Rishikesh, in the northern parts of India.
Being a clinical psychologist, author brings his knowledge of psychological complexes in astrology. For him the science of astrology has a lot more to offer than just future telling. AstroPsychology can be a potent tool for assessment of the personality traits and mental state of an individual. An AstroPsychologist’s job is a lot like that of a counsellor and understanding of astrology can help even a trained psychologist to see the world as the subject himself does. The author made extensive research in AstroPsychology in last five years. As the results of his research, he could find some new insights about the...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781534746251
Publisher: Indian Palmistry Institute
Number of Pages: 342
Dimensions: 7.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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