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Genre: Religion & Spirituality
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The first book of Sahaja Yoga: Grégoire de Kalbermatten's account of his meeting with Shri Mataji and his description of a new category of perception: vibratory awareness, beyond thought, feelings or instinct, the answer to all questions. Written under the guidance of Shri Mataji, this book is foundational, one of the few essential books of Sahaja Yoga. "Shri Mataji invites all the genuine seekers of truth to explore the deepest beauty of their own Being and She gives. She is so generous, She gives without counting. She gives the key and the access code to the Self. May these lines, imperfect as they may be, invite more readers to experience the gift of the Divine Mother." First published in 1979, this is the fourth edition of "The Advent." (A Lotus Heart Book.)

About the Author

Grégoire de Kalbermatten was born in Lausanne, Switzerland. He studied law in Geneva and completed postgraduate studies in international relations and political science at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna, Italy and Baltimore USA. He then joined the Foreign Service of his country and pursued a career in international organizations. He was active for more than thirty years in the fields of multi-lateral diplomacy, economic development and environmental protection and he directed, co-authored and published books and studies in related fields. He organized numerous intergovernmental events, including ministerial conferences and scientific symposiums. Having led more than three hundred missions in over seventy countries, he maintained a keen interest in world cultures and global affairs. His research in political philosophy and spirituality was profoundly influenced by his encounter with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in August 1975. In this context he published two books in the field of spiritual biography – The...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637545119
Publisher: Lotus Heart
Number of Pages: 406
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Advent

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