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Honthon Par Chaandni

Gulshan Madhur
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹300

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‘‘Honthon Par Chaandni’ is a compilation of Gulshan Madhur’s published and unpublished free verse poems, rhyming lyrical creations as well as verses especially written to enhance the presentation of All India Radio, Delhi’s once immensely popular program of film songs ‘Aap Kee Pasand’. The poems, apart from being expressions of the poet’s very personal emotions and reactions, are also comments and statements on the life and the world in general. It can be argued though that the expression of even the most personal can also be a comment or statement on the world around us, can’t it?

Poems have not been compiled chronologically or in the order of their creation, nor according to their subject matter. They have been, however, divided in three parts for the sake of convenience. The first part ‘Swachchhand’ consists of free verse poems. ‘Chhand-Bandh’ comprises rhyming verses in the form of geets and...

About the Author

After retiring from a decades long career of professional broadcasting, first in All India Radio and then with Voice of America, Gulshan Madhur worked as a freelance reporter for Deutsche Welle' s Hindi broadcast. Apart from poetry, his Hindi and English writings on subjects ranging from literature and politics to films have been published in various magazines and periodicals.

In recent years, he has co-edited two volumes, both representing the works of Hindi writers in America. 'Dishaantar' is an anthology featuring poetry, fictional works and other literary forms, while 'Kathaantar' is a compilation of short stories.
About his work as a writer, Gulshan Madhur has this to say: Haven’t written half as much as I wanted to. Might have been due to the busy-ness of life or maybe it was sheer procrastination. Some poems still happened.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789383701575
Publisher: Gulshan Madhur
Number of Pages: 130
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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