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Shesh Chithir Uttor (শেষ চিঠির উত্তর)

Shesh Chithir Uttor (শেষ চিঠির উত্তর)

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sheridavis 5 years, 8 months ago

Re: Shesh Chithir Uttor (শেষ চিঠির উত্তর)

Thank you so much for the great book. Hemanta Kumar Sarkar is a resigned academician and research researcher, who as of now fills in as an independent science proofreader and essayist. Hemanta, who is a Biochemist and Molecular Biologist via preparing, got his doctorate in Biochemistry from the Texas Tech University. Notwithstanding writing many research-related logical papers, he has distributed ballads, famous science articles and short stories in different Bengali and English magazines and papers. This book is his first verse gathering.

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