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Solutions of the Examples in Higher Algebra

Henry Sinclair Hall, Samuel Ratcliffe Knight
Type: Print Book
Genre: Mathematics
Language: English
Price: ₹400 + shipping
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This work forms a Key or Companion to the <em>Higher Algebra</em>, and contains full solutions of nearly all the Examples. In many cases more than one solution is given, while throughout the book frequent reference is made to the text and illustrative Examples in the Algebra. The work has been undertaken at the request of many teachers who have introduced the Algebra into their classes, and for such readers it is mainly intended; but it is hoped that, if judiciously used, the solutions may also be found serviceable by that large and increasing class of students who read Mathematics without the assistance of a teacher.
In this edition, the entire manuscript was typeset in a bigger size font [10 pt : `DejaVu Serif'] (honoring readers' suggestions) using the <b>LaTeX</b> document processing system originally developed by Leslie Lamport, based on <b>TeX</b> typesetting system created by Donald Knuth. The typesetting software...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781508763505
Publisher: Ancient Science Publishers
Number of Pages: 383
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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