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souvenirs across countries
Type: Print Book
Genre: Travel, Antiques & Collectibles
Language: English
Price: ₹450
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Miniaturised Travel Stories is an evocative voyage through my personal collection of handcrafted treasures gathered from my journeys across India and the world. Comprising 20 stories, each chapter weaves together rich cultural heritage, intricate craftsmanship, and the deeply personal reasons behind each purchase. From the museum of Tagore to the tombs of Egyptian mummies, I delve into the craftsmanship stories of each travel souvenir, sharing the tales of their origin, heritage, legends and the artisans who pour their souls into every piece. I have put into words my travel memories, the connections with the people and places behind the souvenirs I brought home. Whether you are an avid traveller into souvenir hunting or passionate about souvenir collections or someone who simply appreciates the beauty of handcrafted art, this book promises to inspire you to cherish your own collection of travel memories.

About the Author

Indrani Ghose is a freelance travel writer, blogger and photographer from Bangalore India. She likes to write about her travel memories thus reliving her journeys around the world. Her travel blog – is a virtual trip to the various destinations she has been to. Indrani’s writings have appeared in national and international media outlets. She has worked for several international and national tourism boards promoting their tourist destinations.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798895411445
Number of Pages: 164
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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