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Flavours Of Life

Flavours Of Life

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2 Customer Reviews

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imti.er07 4 years, 2 months ago Verified Buyer

Bravo Zulu..

I really liked the flavours of life. Very quick read for this busy world. The stories are so unique in their own style and content. Good job.. Kudos to the author. I would say a good start and great heights aren't far.

As a genuine critic I would like to say that I am expecting a little longer stories with much more emphasis to the emotions of the characters and the feel of the story. After all as a reader that's what will make us live with the characters in the story.

sriadithyasayona5 4 years, 2 months ago

Hats off to the writer

Wonderful writing..keep rocking..it shows your flavour of skills.. Excellent and excited