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Erosion of Democracy

How to save a dying democracy?
J. Dhopte
Type: Print Book
Genre: Politics & Society
Language: English
Price: ₹470
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This book is the first part of the Democracy series, a series of three books. Over the past years, the absolute number of democracies has been eroding. 70 % of the global population now lives either in non-democratic regimes or in democratically backsliding countries. The percentage of the world’s population living in high-performing democracies is only 9 %. Incumbent leaders are increasingly using force to crush opponents and settle scores, while beleaguered activists—lacking effective international support—face heavy jail sentences, torture, or murder in many settings. The oppressive and often violent authoritarian forces tipped the international order in their favour time and again. The enemies of freedom have pushed the false narrative that democracy is in decline because it is incapable of addressing people’s needs. The impact of the long-term democratic decline has become increasingly global in nature, broad enough to be felt by those living under barbaric dictatorships as...

About the Author

The author J. Dhopte got a degree in Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Marine Engineering and Master’s in Financial Management. He had a border-less career in maritime, plastic, service, hospitality and education industries with opportunities to work in various locations around the world. He worked in the Merchant Navy traveling around the world for 10 years. He worked as a Chief Engineer on ships, Chief Engineer in a hotel, and Maintenance Manager in a manufacturing industry. Currently, he is working as a Professor in Nasik, India. His works across multiple disciplines broadly address narratives of human experience.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637546185
Publisher: Jitendra Dhopte
Number of Pages: 136
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Erosion of Democracy

Erosion of Democracy

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1 Customer Review

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Chiku7201 1 year, 10 months ago

The author have made clear the deficiencies in today's democracy and then provided the solution to said deficiencies.

Democracies across the world are under threat from right-wing groups seeking to restore ethnic purity and exclude "foreigners." Their rhetoric is designed to divide citizens into two distinct classes: the...

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