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Confidence Building

For Personal Happiness
Jitendra M. Pant
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹350
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The inspiration for writing this book came from the author’s physiotherapist who during one of the sessions asked him, “Sir, why don’t you write on Confidence; it will be so useful for young people like me who miss out on good jobs because of lack of confidence.”
The author, during his manpower placement and consultancy assignments, found candidates with good education background losing out on job interviews with great organisations, as they were found to be lacking in confidence to take up potential leadership positions. He has seen people in stressed jobs, unable to survive the work pressure, and succumbing to a ‘nervous breakdown.’ The causes could be many, but one of them is lack of self-confidence. Not having confidence in yourself makes it difficult for you to assert by saying ‘No’, and continual acceptance of what you don’t what to do sends you into a stress spiral, which may also lead to a nervous breakdown.
The author covers various aspects of confidence building like overcoming fear of change and stage fright, relaxing, developing positive thinking and positive attitude, keeping company of positive people, thinking good about oneself and raising one’s self-esteem, becoming conscious of one’s habitual patterns and improving on them, learning from good and bitter experiences, not over-committing, continual learning, and avoiding being an overprotective parent or a hostile teacher. The author strongly feels that confidence comes by doing as “action absorbs anxiety,” and planning and preparation, supported with a good memory, physical and mental fitness, helps in execution.

Confidence building is essential for happiness in life, allowing you to explore and enjoy what Creation has to offer. The process should start during the formative years of our children, with parents and teachers playing the pivotal role.

About the Author

Jitendra M. Pant is a mentor, coach, management consultant, trainer, and lifelong learner. His core areas of work are: life coaching; management coaching; problem solving; operations excellence initiatives in total productivity and quality management namely 5S, Kaizen, QC tools, Six Sigma, TPM, Lean; project management; entrepreneurship-business plan and innovation; business strategy for SME units; soft skills; managing career transitions and enhancing employability; and people development. He has been effective in coaching owners of small and medium size organisations and institutions. J M Pant is a mechanical engineer from I.I.T. Delhi with post graduation in production and industrial engineering, also from IIT-D, and management diploma from UBS, Panjab University, and having over forty-five years of experience in industry and consultancy. His greatest strength is versatility and holistic approach to problem solving. He is a fine blend of technical, commercial and behavioural skills. He is member of Chamber of Indian Micro Small & Medium Enterprises.

J.M.Pant has completed international projects in Japan, South Korea, U.K and Kenya, and has widely travelled overseas for learning and development.

J.M.Pant has authored four books available online at, and : 5S:First vital s t e p t o w a r d s
o p e r a t i o n s e x c e ll e n c e ( A 5 s i z e ) ;  25 L e s s o n s f r o m Uncommon Thoughts ;  Time Management ;  Problem Solving.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789388111614
Publisher: self-published
Number of Pages: 152
Dimensions: 5.00"x7.99"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Confidence Building

Confidence Building

(5.00 out of 5)

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1 Customer Review

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glsinghalcompany 6 years, 2 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Confidence Building

one of the best book on the subject , very useful for increasing confidence in life and to improve your leadership skills.The author covers various aspects of confidence building like overcoming fear of change and stage fright, relaxing, developing positive thinking and positive attitude, keeping company of positive people, thinking good about oneself and raising one’s self-esteem, becoming conscious of one’s habitual patterns and improving on them, learning from good and bitter experiences, not over-committing, continual learning, and avoiding being an overprotective parent or a hostile teacher. The author strongly feels that confidence comes by doing as “action absorbs anxiety,” and planning and preparation, supported with a good memory, physical and mental fitness, helps in execution.


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