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Say No, Be Happy
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹350
Price: ₹350
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“The oldest, shortest words – ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – are those which require the most thought.” Pythagoras
It is usually best to just say “No,” a powerful two-letter word, or perhaps a complete sentence, to keep people away from intruding into your space of time and privacy. Each “No” conveys a different caution, suggestion, advice and sometimes a veiled threat. You must get comfortable in asserting yourself and voicing your views, and saying a "No" if the situation requires so, without hesitation or awkwardness. You do not have to cover up with excuses like, “ I am afraid I cannot invite you for lunch today as I have a dentist appointment,” while the fact is you are going for a movie.
The book “NO” is about saying "No" to keep one happy and stress-free. The author wants you to be assertive and say "No" to time wasters, to customers making...

About the Author

Jitendra. M. Pant is a mentor, life coach, management consultant, trainer, and a lifelong learner. His core areas of work are: life coaching; management coaching; problem solving; operations excellence initiatives in total productivity and quality management namely 5S, Kaizen, QC tools, Six Sigma, TPM, Lean; project management; entrepreneurship-business plan and innovation; business strategy for SME units; soft skills; managing career transitions and enhancing employability; and people development. He has been effective in coaching owners of small and medium-size organisations and institutions.
J. M. Pant is a mechanical engineer from I.I.T. Delhi with post-graduation in production and industrial engineering, also from IIT-D, and management diploma from UBS, Panjab University, and having over forty-five years of experience in industry, consultancy, training, and coaching. His greatest strength is versatility and a holistic approach to problem-solving. He is a fine blend of technical, commercial and behavioural skills.

J.M.Pant has completed international projects in Japan,...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789389147506
Publisher: Self
Number of Pages: 136
Dimensions: 5.00"x7.99"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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