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How to conquer doubt and achieve the extraordinary
Justin Hasell
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹797 + shipping
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What ignites motivation? Where do happy and successful people get that passionate drive to achieve? Empowered, is a how-to book designed to help people, breakthrough insecurities, overcome paralysing fear, and unlock the secrets to personal power. The book shares powerful information that has not only helped transform my life, but has also helped transform the lives of many others. After studying self-development literature for over two decades, I have learnt that the most common reason people give up on their power is because they think that they don’t have any. This book puts the power back into their hands.Learn powerful techniques, tools and strategies that will energise and Empower you to live your life to the fullest.
Discover the magic of an Empowered life.

About the Author

Just over a decade ago, I found himself broke in every possible way. I was sleeping on old pull-out bed that my friend kindly let me use. My car was filled to the roof with every possession I owned in the world. I was at crossroads. Some powerful mentors advised me to get into the field of sales to learn the most important skill in business—sales. It’s a dreaded word to many, but the most important skill in today’s ever-changing and evolving marketplace. I took my mentors’ advice because I had nothing to lose, and I soon got a job in commission-only direct selling, probably the toughest type of selling there is. At first, I struggled to make ends meet, but because I was totally committed to learning everything I could, I eventually achieved incredible results, becoming one of the top salespeople within the company nationwide. I learnt that...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781782804840
Publisher: Justin Hasell
Number of Pages: 221
Dimensions: 5.83"x8.26"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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