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Type: Print Book
Genre: Reference
Language: English
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Mango is an exotic fruit with more than 4500 varieties having different colors, aroma, taste, flavor and nutrition contents. Mango is God’s gift to India and is adored as national fruit. It has been cultivated from ancient times and propagated to various parts of the world in the last 500 years. Though India had 3000 varieties of mangoes, due to negligence and various other reasons, many local varieties have become extinct. They are replaced by grafted and hybrid varieties with better quality and regular higher yields. Though India’s production is highest in the world (55%), it is at the bottom in exporting. The modern cultivation techniques, tree and crop protection, harvesting skills, post-harvesting procedures, and export procedures are yet to reach the growers. Today, The Central and state governments, and their agencies are paying more attention to mango field to improve farmers’ and national earnings.
This book “A treatise on mango the king of fruits” is comprehensive information on mango from A-Z. It is fully colored A4 size, 1800 pages book containing 39 chapters arranged in 3 volumes for ease of handling. The author has taken 13 years to compose this book with his 67 years of experience in mango field as family orchard grower. Starting with history and cultural aspects, climatic and soil condition, soil preparation, cultivation, plant and crop protection, harvesting, post-harvesting procedure, pests, diseases-bacterial, fungal and nematodes, parasites and fungi, nutritional deficiencies, miscellaneous problems, mitigation and controls; mango storage and ripening, quality checking, classification, packaging, transportation, marketing, nomenclature and description as per the set scientific standard are covered in Volume 1. Mango varieties are covered in volume 2. Nutritional and medicinal aspects; culinary aspects and consumption; other uses of mango trees, mango markets, eminent people in mango field; nurseries, research centers and facility providers etc., are covered in volume 3 of this book. Mango growers, nursery persons, students, research scholars, mango lovers, housewives, home product industries are going to be benefited as this single book provides needed information. Hope, reading of this book will promote mango growing, more job creation, and improve financial resources of both farmer and the country. Apart from this, mango trees are the maximum oxygen generators, shade providers, and climate controllers and helps nature conservationists in promoting it. This is an ideal reference book worth possessing. Kindly read the book and enrich your knowledge.

About the Author

K Gopinath was born in Mangalore. He got BE from KREC Surathkal (1968); M.Tech. (1970) and PhD (1978) from IIT Madras. After working for one year in the industry, he came back to pursue PhD. at IIT Madras in 1971 and absorbed as the faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He was teaching at IIT Madras from 1971 to 2011. He has served as Head, Machine Design Section and Material Science Research Centre. Post retirement as senior professor, he has settled in Bangalore.
His hobbies include book writing; drawing; Hindustani classical music-tabla and harmonium; carpentry; cooking and gardening. He has 10 monographs, 4 books, 3 eBooks to his credit. His video lecture on Machine Design is telecasted from New Delhi Dooradarshan for engineering students. He has won several prizes in pencil sketching during Intercollegiate and City artist’s competitions from 1968 to 1972 in Chennai. He has won alumni Excellence award from NITK at the 3rd Global Meet 2004, Wear Journal top 20 best papers in 2004, Shah Memorial national award from IETE New Delhi for import substitution for developing HiPOS (High pressure oxidation system); Two national awards for outstanding contributions to Design and Research in Mechanical Engineering. He was in the editorial Board of several International and National Journals.
He belongs to farming community. His paternal and maternal grand-parents were farmers. He was trained by his maternal grandfather Kumbla Lakshman Nayak in Farming and carpentry right from young age. Under his care, he was maintaining a fruit orchard in Mangalore which contained about 15 varieties of Mangoes. Lakshman Nayak used to take him to his Farm at Kumbla and Kasaragod during vacations and holidays for training. 67 years of rich experience in farming and orchard growing has helped in bring out the book – “A Treatise on Mango the King of Fruits” in 3 volumes.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334099164
Publisher: GK Self-Publishers Bangalore 560085
Number of Pages: 709
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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