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BE A WINNER - Negotiating Life’s Conflicts

Get Set with Conflict Resolution Strategies to Win
A K Jagannathan
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹325
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Life is conflict- in family, at work places and market places. Conflict management and resolution strategies have been elucidated through 8 different lenses. First revealing his own serious conflict times in his career of 36 years, the author fits the conflict experiences to the conflict resolution strategies derived from well-known researches in Psychology and Management. While the IQ – EQ interplay analysis is his own empirical analysis, the resolution strategies are explored and expounded in: Positivity research, formula derived from hostage negotiations, Emotional Intelligence, Thomas- Kilmann framework, Transaction Analysis and the Bhagavad Gita.

The book will be a great guide / companion to improve your quality of life all around and be a winner in Life.

About the Author

Jagannathan was born in Bangalore and had schooling at Calcutta and Tiruchirapalli. He studied at Loyola College, Chennai and at St Joseph’s College at Tiruchirapalli. He was a topper in college and a university rank holder. He was a recipient of the Government of India scholarship for post-graduate studies. He taught at Loyola College for a year. Admission to MBA Program (1973-1975) at IIM, Ahmedabad was obtained. To take it up or not was a conflict at home. For lack of proper enlightened guidance, the booked train ticket to Ahmedabad was cancelled a few days before the start of the program.
He had joined State Bank of Mysore (SBM) as a Probationary Officer in Dec 1974 where he rose to become DGM (Credit). He went on deputation to State Bank of Hyderabad where he became GM (Commercial & International Banking) before moving over to State Bank of Patiala (SBP) as...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789356070660
Publisher: Self Published
Number of Pages: 199
Dimensions: 5.50"x8.50"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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BE A WINNER - Negotiating Life’s Conflicts

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