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Eternal Meditation Principles

Brahm Vidyas Part 3
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English, Sanskrit
Price: ₹395 + shipping
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You are welcome to discover the timeless wisdom of meditation with "Eternal Meditation Principles: Brahm Vidyas," a groundbreaking series that unveils the profound secrets hidden within ancient texts. This series invites practitioners to explore the deeper dimensions of self-awareness and enlightenment in a world where meditation is often viewed through a narrow lens of psychological and physical benefits.
Departing from conventional approaches, this book offers a fresh perspective by delving into ancient Indian philosophies, specifically Patanjali Yoga sutra, Bhagavad Gita, and Brahma Vidya, from Upanishads to unlock the true potential of meditation. Kishore's exploration of Brahm Vidyas unveils thirty-four pearls of wisdom from the Upanishads, tailored to guide individuals towards a life filled with righteousness and bliss. This third part of the series summarises the teachings of Shri Krishna in Gita, particularly the application of different types of Yoga for the attainment of self-awareness and liberation from Avidya for the...

About the Author

Kaushal Kishore is M.Sc. in Physics. He has worked as PO at Union Bank of India and in NABARD and retired in 2020.
He is CAIIB, CFA, FRM (from the Global Association of Risk Professionals) and completed the Harward Manage Mentor course. He has very good experience of Rural banking, Microcredit, Supervision, and Risk Management.
After his retirement, he devoted himself to the study of Indian Scriptures including Vedas, Upanishads, and Puranas. He is of the view that the pearls of wisdom in these books need to utilized in modern times for the benefit of humanity and particularly Indians. As the original books are almost hidden in Sanskrit, which is not being read by the masses, the wisdom is available from secondary sources and is not presented in a way helpful to the masses.
As such, he is of the view that we need to make available these gems of pearls of...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334063127
Number of Pages: 155
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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