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Nacho’s Big Day: A Story of Bravery and Friendship

Nacho’s Big Day: A Story of Bravery and Friendship

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Swatishree Jena. 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Exceptionally well written.

Nacho's big day is an intriguing book that explores the habits of self- confidence and recognition of one's own abilities in the face of challenges and fear. This story brilliantly navigates through a series of events in Nacho's life where he learnt that despite the fear and nervousness, you can overcome them and move ahead with confidence and trust in yourself.

The story follows Nacho is a little nervous as he is about to start his first day at school. His siblings and friends encourage him to think positive and everything will be just fine.

Then he receives a responsibility from his homeroom teacher, Mrs Webster. Will he do everything correctly? How will his first day at school turn out?

Follow Nacho's journey of realization and recognition of his individuality and emotions.

This is the second book in Nacho The Cat book series which is truly amazing as well as it brilliantly navigates through a powerful recognition of thoughts and emotions.