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(A Spicy, Spicy Romantic Thriller)
kotra siva Rama Krishna
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Romance
Language: English
Price: ₹221 + shipping
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Most of them invited by the old woman Lashmotricker and some of them accompanied those who invited by her into that palace. Whoever invited by the old woman were those who got help from her when they were in dire need of it. They were all having very good opinion on the old woman and particularly those who got help from her were adoring her. The warm welcome by the old woman made them even more happy.
But once they entered into the palace the trouble started. The unseen nasty creature in the palace started doing atrocities on the women there. They did not know what to do while it was satisfying its desire on one woman after the other in that palace. It was not in their dream. It was not reality either. No trace was left on the bodies of the women or otherwise that something ghastly happened...

About the Author

The romantic and suspense thrillers of this author, ‘A Mansion Of Illusions’, ‘Chasing Butterflies’, ‘Rain Flower’, ‘Nirupama’, ‘A Village, A Forest And An Old Mansion’ ‘Lovenest’, ‘Moonshine’, ‘Scarecrow’ ‘Enna (Her life….her love…..her struggle) ’, 'Sand Dunes (A collection of eight short stories)' ‘Amaswitha’ (Psychology And Supernatural), Dusk (Heart beat of old people), Across the river….under the bridge … and ‘Strawberry’ (An apartment-full of romance and suspense) along with two non-fiction books ‘Body Mind And You’ and ‘English Grammar Simplifier’ are also available as ebooks only on Amazon.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 177
Dimensions: 5.50"x8.50"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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