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Write Out of Order

Mastering Non-Linear Fiction Writing Without Losing the Plot
Laura Kortum
Type: Print Book
Genre: Education & Language
Language: English
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Having trouble finishing your book? Maybe you're stuck in the so-called saggy middle and have no way to reach the climax. Perhaps you have the perfect story idea, but you're frozen at the prospect of writing that all-important opening sentence.

It's time to mix things up and write out of order to get your creative juices flowing again.
This guide will unlock the full potential of your storytelling by teaching you the techniques of non-linear fiction writing.

With clear explanations and practical pointers and tools, this book will help you rethink your front-to-back writing process and:

Finish more books
Achieve flow
Overcome writer's block
Avoid common non-linear writing pitfalls
Make writing fun again!

Ready to begin?

About the Author

Author, Book Formatter, Publishing Coach. Not necessarily in that order… As part of my upcoming How To Self-Publish series, I intend to lay out a comprehensive overview of what it takes to self-publish in the current publishing environment. Whether it’s your first book or your 10th…

Nowadays, everyone claims to be an expert. As a result, there is a ton of conflicting advice that gets doled out to first-time authors. The Gold Rush of the 2010s is over and we’re an established industry now. That means that in order to succeed, you need a good plan and even better advice…

That's where my books come in. No fluff, no nonsense. Just practical advice to get you from aspiring writer to self-published author.

Find out more at where you can sign up for a free mini-course all about publishing as well!

Book Details

ISBN: 9781913930851
Publisher: 21st Century Author Publishing
Number of Pages: 73
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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