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Riding the Raisina Tiger

Riding the Raisina Tiger

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3 Customer Reviews

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nikhilv 9 years, 8 months ago

Riding the Raisina Tiger (Review by Nikhil Vaidya)

" An extremely well researched plot of present day India's troubles and a probable solution to some of the problems plaguing the country and restoring lost glory of the Army...

rajanjsingh 9 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Riding the Raisina Tiger

An excellent yet no nonsense book by an Ex Army Officer. Weaving his magic by creating a simple yet deep story interwoven with events that actually took place. A what-if...

ranesudhir 10 years ago Verified Buyer

Re: Riding the Raisina Tiger

A fantastic literary effort. well researched and lucidly written. Extremely engaging plot. End game cleverly woven around recent landmark events. Really wish some upright General really takes charge like Raghavan...