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Riding the Raisina Tiger

Riding the Raisina Tiger

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rajanjsingh 9 years, 8 months ago Verified Buyer

Riding the Raisina Tiger

An excellent yet no nonsense book by an Ex Army Officer. Weaving his magic by creating a simple yet deep story interwoven with events that actually took place. A what-if scenario which was plausible with twists and plot changes that make it a compelling read. Nice to read on an airplane. His book restarted my love for books. A must read for Armed Personnel mainly because of the greatest twist in the plot. Looking forward to the next book by Col Rohit Agarwal.

nikhilv 9 years, 6 months ago

Riding the Raisina Tiger (Review by Nikhil Vaidya)

" An extremely well researched plot of present day India's troubles and a probable solution to some of the problems plaguing the country and restoring lost glory of the Army and nation. Rohit has unfolded a complex distant reality in a very plausible way, written in a simple yet convincing manner , which should be read by the youth today. A gripping plot with a good pace makes the book unput- downable till the end, with a suspense ending. Looking forward to the sequel, and probably a screen makeover....."--- Nikhil Vaidya

ranesudhir 9 years, 10 months ago Verified Buyer

Re: Riding the Raisina Tiger

A fantastic literary effort. well researched and lucidly written. Extremely engaging plot. End game cleverly woven around recent landmark events. Really wish some upright General really takes charge like Raghavan in real life...maybe the country really needs it...looking forward to the next from the author..
Sudhir Rane