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Prophetic Conflict and Yahwistic Tradition

A Synthetic Study of True and False Prophecy (Jeremiah 26-29)
M. Sashi Jamir
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹1,235 + shipping
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This monograph argues that ancient Israel had an adequate rubric in its Yahwistic tradition for distinguishing between true and false prophecy. Generally, in Old Testament (OT) scholarship, it has been argued that ancient Israel simply did not have the capacity to discern between the two. In fact, there has been a tendency to reduce prophecy in the OT to a mere vaticinium ex eventu. This notion has persisted partly because of an inadequate understanding and poorly conceived epistemology of divine revelation and history. Thus, in order to better construe divine revelation and its relation to tradition as a fidei depósitum, M. Sahsi Jamir employs a hermeneutic of critical realism. Furthermore, in this work he explores the development of Yahwistic tradition and the factors that might have contributed to the prophetic conflict that arose in ancient Israel. The latter analysis is aided by applying Gerhard Lenski’s and Patrick Nolan’s macro-sociology...

About the Author

M. Sashi Jamir received his M. Div from Oriental Theological Seminary, Nagaland India, M. Th (Old Testament) from International Baptist Theological Seminary (Prague, CZ), and his Ph. D from (Old Testament) from Asbury Theological Seminary. He is currently teaching at Oriental Theological Seminary, Nagaland, India.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781942697213
Publisher: GlossaHouse
Number of Pages: 296
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Prophetic Conflict and Yahwistic Tradition

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