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grass with roots: experiences from participatory development

grass with roots: experiences from participatory development

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Raja Mithelesh Kumar 9 years, 4 months ago

Grass rooted to the ground & grows towards the sun

This book is also one of his best book. The author Dr.M.V Rao always presents the real scenario which gives feel of our own society. Here also he wrote in very simple words but innvotive & idealistic which drives us to the subject. As he rightly mentioned Development planning and execution must resonate with common people’s heartbeats. This book makes us part of his interventions; and also people/ societie's dreams, sorrows and struggles.
Like his other books this is also eye opner & based on ground reality of the field.
Really this book is grass which is rooted to ground & very nicely showered by Author Dr.M.V.Rao.