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Bits and Pieces of Me

A collection of poetic reflections
Madhumita sinha
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹190
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The collection of poetry is an eclectic mix of thoughts and emotions on love, loss , survival, heartbreak ,and the journey of life one endeavours. A poetry is an echo asking a wave to sing, letting a rainbow splash colours and filling our hearts with joy and happiness .
one doesn't need to be a poet to find solace in poetry always. Each one of us is a poet at heart with profound thoughts , deep emotions and compassions . it's just that some call themselves the wordsmiths only because pen their thoughts through their verses and bring them to the world where as some just enjoy reading them , delving deeply with a smile on their faces .
Read the poem to feel good and heal yourself.

About the Author

Madhumita Sinha is an HR professional and a poet by passion.
This is her second kaleidoscope of emotions through her poetries to take you on a beautiful journey of words and more.
This collection is all about little fragments of our lives which are scattered sometimes, broken sometimes and sometimes healed together by love, for us to continue our journey.
These bits and pieces put together help navigate life through its ups and downs.
These are some of all those tiny fragments which she has put together in her collection.
Her poems are spontaneous responses which flow through her verses appreciating the world around her and uplifting our human spirits through myriad emotions.
She is a published author and “Heartbeats” 72 random beats is her debut poetry book besides "Bits and pieces of me'.
She is a regular contributor to a lot of magazines and literary journals. In addition to her credit she is part...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781637541814
Number of Pages: 77
Dimensions: 5.00"x8.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Bits and Pieces of Me

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