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Vedic Tricks Made Mathematics Easy

The Ultimate Guide for Swift Mental Calculation to Perform Better in Exams
Type: Print Book
Genre: Mathematics, Exam Preparation
Language: English
Price: ₹460
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Unveiling the Power of Vedic Mathematics: Essential Insights

Efficiency in Calculation: Vedic Mathematics provides highly efficient techniques for mental calculations, enabling individuals to perform complex computations quickly. This efficiency is particularly valuable in situations where rapid calculation is crucial.
Versatility Across Mathematical Operations: The techniques in Vedic Mathematics are versatile and applicable across various mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, algebraic equations, and even advanced mathematical concepts.
Promote Skills of Mental Calculations: Vedic Mathematics strongly emphasizes mental calculations, fostering the development of strong mental calculation skills. It not only enhances cognitive abilities but also makes mathematical tasks more accessible without the reliance on external tools.
Applicability to Competitive Exams: Many of the Vedic Mathematics techniques are designed to streamline calculations in competitive exams where time is a critical factor. As a result, students find these methods beneficial for solving problems quickly and accurately in exam settings.
Mental Calculation: Vedic Mathematics emphasizes mental calculation, promoting the development of mental agility and mathematical intuition.
Universality and Speed: The techniques are not limited to specific types of problems; they can be applied universally, making them adaptable to various mathematical scenarios. The methods are designed to be straightforward and can often lead to faster calculations compared to conventional methods.
Educational Applications: Vedic Mathematics is often used as an educational tool to make learning mathematics more engaging, accessible, and enjoyable for students.
Connection to Profound Wisdom: Vedic Mathematics is sometimes considered a part of the broader Vedic tradition, with enthusiasts believing it embodies a profound approach to mathematics.

About the Author

Hello, Readers I, MAHAVIR SINGH welcome you to the realms of Vedic mathematics.

I, born into a humble farming family in the serene village of Dunuwa, nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Uttarakhand, India.

My Journey as writer has started during my graduation. Today, I am a passionate writer & author for many books. In 2023, I published my first book “Miracles of Vedic Tricks for Mental Maths: Unleashing the Power of Lightning-Fast Calculation.”

I am committed to continuing this journey of exploration and sharing my learning experience with the wider audience. You can explore my published books on various online platform such as Amazon and many others.

Connect me at Social Media Platforms.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798895411537
Publisher: Self-Published
Number of Pages: 248
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Vedic Tricks Made Mathematics Easy

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