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A Schizophrenic's Autobiography

A Schizophrenic's Autobiography

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Surya Reddy 2 years, 1 month ago Verified Buyer

Why people stigmatised Schizophrenia?

In the past and there was no proper treatment and in medication to psychiatric ailments.. As I know through my experience ,this ailment cannot be cured unless properly treated. Moreover this is a long standing disorder. The patient and the care takers must patiently waite and systematically undergo the treatment.. As this disorder is mainly attached with the thinking process and resulting in thought disorder. We know that, restricting the thoughts is not an easy thing and this thought disorder is resulting out of the chemical imbalance in the brain..To rectify the imbalance of the chemicals in the brain treatment with an experienced psychiatrist is a must. More over this illness is not properly understood by the public in general and also by the care takers ,so many myths and superstitions are attached to the sufferer and the mental issues altogether.
Aware about the reasons and causes of Schizophrenia will help the care takers in extending their care through getting awareness..