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Innocence as Ignorance: Aesthetic Prognostications in James and Golding

Manu Mangattu
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Language: English
Price: ₹195 + shipping
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Childhood denotes that stage in human life when, innocence, by common consent, is taken for granted. Childhood and innocence often go hand in hand and are considered almost synonymous. The delightful coexistence of these two blissful states of life is assumed to offer at least a momentary glimpse of the beautiful and the eternal amidst the transient and the fleeting.
It is impossible to speak about light without a word about shadow, about stillness without a word about noise. Likewise, it is impossible to discourse at length on innocence without recourse to evil. Shakespeare’s Caliban is a “born devil”. But can man, the so-called crown of creations, be a born devil? If not where does evil come from? Is evil an illusion, an error of the mortal mind?
A world of innocence is an illusion; it exists only in the world of imagination and fantasy. What ought to be will never...

About the Author

Manu Mangattu is an Assistant Professor in English hailing from Kerala, India. Born on 21st of December 1985, he imbibed his penchant for poetry and flair for writing from his parents. He completed his post-graduation in English Language and Literature from Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam securing second rank and a career as a litterateur. Soon he joined the Department of English, St George’s College where he has been imparting lessons in English literature ever since. His areas of interest include Western and Eastern aesthetics, celebrity studies, diaspora literature and musicology. His latest publications are articles on inclusive education, gendering of genius, Shakespeare’s ‘bastards’, phenomenology and eco-aesthetics. His latest published work is Pain Pleasure and Paradox in Poetry: A Verse Compendium [ISBN: 9781310246531] brought out by Smashwords Inc, USA. Besides translations into English from Chinese and Sanskrit, he writes poetry both in English and Malayalam. His active involvement in Chinese...

Book Details

ISBN: 9788193297513
Publisher: Gaby Emma Publishers
Number of Pages: 67
Dimensions: 5.83"x8.27"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Innocence as Ignorance: Aesthetic Prognostications in James and Golding

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