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Type: Print Book
Genre: Medicine & Science
Language: English
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This book explore the similarities between TB and COVID-19 although they belong to different kingdom, both microorganism that primarily affect the respiratory system and exhibit similar symptoms and diagnostic test for TB and COVID-19 have same similarities, I suspect that COVID-19 may have evolved from TB as. Virus can sometimes infect bacteria due to their small size. This book examines the classification of these microorganisms, the similarities in their symptoms and diagnostic test, and immune system affect the microbes and how to host cells are adaptation for the microbes and I also include the difference between TB and COVID-19, and I add a images with online sources, my opinion is one of the main reason is food habit because no one can lead a healthy life style, we are destroying ourselves in the name of civilization. Ancient people also affected with many disease but they are have strong immune...

About the Author

MEEAKSHI LINGASAMY is district co - ordinator of indian bio diversity conservation society (Madurai district) I am studying 2nd ug (zoo) I am daughter of lingasamy and latha couples. I love to communicate others because I love to speech, I am a stage speaker, I won the first prize in ISRO model competition on 2016. And also I am a nature lover. My hobby is cooking and wrote the poem. My favorite language is tamil I want to communicate others I will choose a tamil language. I conduct the lot of awareness program of nature. I have a two sisters younger sister subathra elder sister subiksha. Its my first book its very special to me because I sacrifice lot of thinks for the book and I put a hundred percentage of efforts for the book will published. This book is my first step writer journey definitely one day I...

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334121629
Publisher: Blue Velvet Publishers PVT LTD
Number of Pages: 35
Dimensions: 5.5"x8.5"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Saddle Stitched)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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