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48 Weeks of Reflection

A self-care journal
Meghana Dharap
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹1,399 + shipping
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A note from the creator of this journal:

This book has been lovingly crafted for anyone who benefits from journaling, but doesn't always find the time to write every day.

In this journal, you will find forty-eight two-page reflection spreads meant for you to fill in. Each spread contains prompts to guide you through one week of journaling. The pages are undated, so you can write in this book any time you like.

Use a reflection spread during any week when you'd like to set positive intentions, hold space for yourself, and discover the connections between your habits, activities, moods, thoughts, and feelings.

In addition, you'll find nearly fifty illustrated pages with blank spaces for you to fill up with notes, affirmations, drawings, trackers, doodles, or anything else you like.

If you enjoy introspection and have a soft corner for vintage-inspired artwork, this journal could be a great companion for you.

I created this journal for my own use, then wondered whether other people might enjoy it as well. This world has seen a crazy couple of years and for many of us, the pandemic has demanded greater space for inner growth and reflection.

In the coming year, I'm hoping this journal will help me channel all that energy into a thing of beauty, so I can find order in the midst of chaos.

I will be thrilled and honoured if this book helps you too.

About the Author

Meghana Dharap writes stories and poetry, plays the piano, sings inside and outside the shower, reads audiobooks, plays with cats, does all kinds of art, gets obsessed with diverse DIY projects (such as this journal), and runs an editing and proofreading company. She's delighted that you're reading this.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 155
Dimensions: 5.80"x8.30"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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