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The Success Story

Mr. Ben
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Drama/Play
Language: English
Price: ₹260 + shipping
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Greg is the best of all students in his department - The department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Perth. However, he is dissatisfied, despite being the best student in his department. But he experiences a turnaround when he reads the book, ‘’Find Your Way Back” at the place where his friend and course mate, Harp, lives. He eventually becomes what he had ever dreamt of—a Successfully Published author. Though Greg faces discouragement finding a publisher, he becomes the success he presently is, through the support of his family, especially his sister, Jane, Head of Department, Dr Tim Yale and friend, Harp.

About the Author

Mr. Ben, as he is fondly called, has a mandate of serving humanity through the creative use of writing. Encouraged by his labor for knowledge through the years, he has unequivocally brought to the hearing of people and organisations values that would be instrumental to their positive change. To depict this feat, Mr. Ben has written over twenty works-fiction and non-fiction. He has under his belt written works that fall under the categories-juvenile, SCI-FI, short stories, family, inspirational, scientific, educational/academic, business, sexuality/relationship, self-help, religion and many more.

Book Details

Publisher: Ukiyoto Publishing
Number of Pages: 153
Dimensions: 5.00"x7.99"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Success Story

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