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Healing Affirmations for Self Love

Affirmation Journal
Ms Rashim Chawla
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Coffee Table Book
Language: English
Price: ₹199 + shipping
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Saying affirmations regularly helps replace negative self-talk with positive statements, gradually reprogramming your subconscious mind. Affirmations reinforce positive beliefs about yourself, boosting your self-confidence and self-worth. Consistently journaling affirmations helps establish new, healthy mental habits.
The act of writing your feelings makes you understand yourself. It can be meditative and calming, reducing stress and anxiety levels further increasing self-awareness and understanding.
Create a Habit of Self-Love a Daily Practice by incorporating affirmations into your journaling routine ensures you practice self-love regularly.
Self-love can mitigate feelings of anxiety and depression, as it promotes a kinder, more compassionate inner dialogue. Knowing one's worth makes it easier to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships. A strong sense of self-worth allows a person to handle criticism constructively without feeling devastated. It fosters resilience, making it easier to recover from failures and setbacks. It reduces the time spent on self-doubt, allowing more focus on productive activities. Self-worth reduces the need to seek approval from others, leading to more authentic and satisfying decisions.Physical Health BenefitsHealthy Lifestyle Choices: Self-love encourages taking care of one’s body through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest.Reduced Stress: A positive self-image can lower stress levels, contributing to overall better health.Personal Growth and DevelopmentContinuous Improvement: Believing in one’s potential encourages continuous learning and personal development.Embracing Change: Self-worth makes it easier to embrace change and step out of comfort zones.Greater Happiness and FulfillmentContentment: Loving oneself fosters a sense of contentment and inner peace, leading to a more fulfilling life. Overall, knowing one’s self-worth and loving oneself creates a foundation for a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life, positively impacting mental, emotional, physical, and social well-being.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 120
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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