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The Quiet Mind Awakening

Harnessing the Power of Awareness and Mindfulness to Unlock Solutions that are Aligned to Your Purpose.
Mukulika Sahoo
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹300
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The Quiet Mind Awakening is a self-help book aimed at facilitating personal growth and success through adverse times. The book essentially covers the fundamentals of the mind in its state of consciousness and tips to tame the mind such that it can tap into the spiritual realm. Using powerful tools and techniques, the mind is capable of manifesting that which is aligned to the soul or spirit - through one's purpose. But how do we know our purpose? Rather, the number of purposes aligned to us. And if we knew, wouldn't we make fewer mistakes? wouldn't we make wiser decisions? Well, The Quiet Mind Awakening can provide answers to those seeking answers to a better life.

About the Author

Mukulika Sahoo was born in a small village in Karnataka, India, grew up in different cities. Her father, a Naval Officer, and her mother, a school teacher, taught her to be free, humble and ethical.

Married by 2016 and divorced by 2021, she soon found herself in immense turmoil. This led her to seek answers and pave her way forward.

With multiple challenges thrown at her, she has today learnt so much more from each challenge - commercial banking, freelancing, strategic solutions, corporate training, business skills, revenue generating strategies, risk and control assessments, leadership and earned various certifications in the process.

Book Details

ISBN: 9789334226065
Number of Pages: 135
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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