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The Labyrinth of Clouds

Nalini Dhiman
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
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The Labyrinth of Clouds is a poetry book written by Nalini Dhiman. The name indicates an entanglement of clouds such as a meandering maze where the author needs to find her way out. The choice of words as the title can be linked to the author’s fascination with clouds. Her phone’s gallery is full of photographs of different formations of clouds that she sees.
We all feel lost sometimes and yearn to find our way out of the messy tunnels. Sometimes, we feel lost even the places we love the most. For the author, she uses clouds as an image of how lost she feels even in the world she has created for herself, a world she loves.
This book ranges from Odes to imagery poetry, motivating to demotivating poetry. Reading the words is easy but what matters is reading between the lines because every poet hides meaning behind...

About the Author

Nalini is currently a sixteen year old student living in India. She delved into poetry when she was fourteen, in 2017. Poetry started out as a method to vent, then an additional hobby and finally her passion, a source of happiness for her. She discovered her interest in writing after creating her blog Soberly Drunk Poetry on blogspot in July 2018. Since then, her writing style has developed tremendously. She has written in free style, tried writing Shakespearian sonnets, researched about iambic pentameter and learnt about different kinds of poems. Her mission to write odes, epitaphs, elegies, pastorals and, maybe someday, Terza Rima poems. Apart from writing, Nalini is a big fan of reading poems. She prefers poetry from the 19th century, although there is no such partiality in the content she reads. As of today, her favourite poems are The Passionate Shepherd To His Love by Christopher Marlowe...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781080906710
Publisher: Kalon Maple Publishing
Number of Pages: 110
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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