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The Singing Panda: An Awesome Journey and a Master Plan for Achieving Your Goals & Success (Motivational)

Navin B
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹299
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#1, Best-selling, Most-selling, Award-winning, Top-10, Top-100
-- These are the terms we have got used to reading at the start of almost every other ‘Self-help’ book. But these terms are meaningless if that self-help book does not make you think about your own life, if it does not make you introspect and if that self-help book does not motivate you to transform yourself for better. Books & stories have the power to change your life, and the story of The Singing Panda, certainly can prove a thought-provoking and a life-changing experience.
Have you ever thought:

How can I achieve success?
Others who started alongside me have achieved success, but why not me?
What am I missing in my pursuit of success?
This book is written for this sole purpose of being able to answer these important questions and how to learn from them.

The Awesome and Inspiring journey of The Singing Panda will make...

About the Author

Navin B is the founder of The Filmy Cut, a YouTube channel with over 215,000 subscribers. The Filmy Cut creates business documentaries, infotainment and motivational videos. By qualification Navin is a commerce graduate and an MBA in marketing and finance. But in his journey Navin has worn many hats; as an investment banker, as an entrepreneur, as a corporate trainer and also as a writer of few short films and scripts. He loves telling stories and motivating people. This book is just an extension of that desire.

Book Details

ISBN: 9781695671614
Number of Pages: 84
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Singing Panda: An Awesome Journey and a Master Plan for Achieving Your Goals & Success (Motivational)

The Singing Panda: An Awesome Journey and a Master Plan for Achieving Your Goals & Success (Motivational)

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