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The ASK Technique - An Introduction

Be Your Own Lighthouse
Navin K Sinha
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹540 + shipping
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The ASK Technique is an extremely powerful consciousness tool. From being an effective tool for emotional catharsis and release to serving as a powerful problem-solving and creativity tool, The ASK Technique provides you a way to literally extract out-of-the-box answers, ideas, solutions, and insights from the deeper recesses of your mind.

The ASK Technique is an important means to be your own guiding light. Rather than relying on borrowed wisdom, The ASK Technique allows you to ask your own questions and find your own answers. The answers received come from another than conscious mind, beyond our conditional programmings, limited beliefs and narrow information field. Whether you call it the subconscious mind, your inner being or the higher self, regardless of what term you are comfortable to describe the source, The ASK Technique helps you create amazing insights to a vast range of situation - from complex mundane life struggles to exalted life philosophies to insights for a new world political and economic order, new approaches to scientific and mathematical problems, processes for planning strategic communication, means to lead people - wherever there is an application of your thoughts, feelings and emotions - The ASK Technique acts as an eternal guide, allowing you to be your own lighthouse.

In the last 17 years, The ASK Technique has helped over a thousand people transform their lives dramatically. For several years, it was being taught and practiced in private circles.

It was during Covid that we realized that the world really needs a new tool not only for managing the complex emotions that the situation was creating, but also new tools for generating insightful solutions. It was then that this technique was publicly revealed through this booklet.

Although the discussions in this book are centered around Covid, this introduces the basic level of the technique in entirety and would enable you to start using the technique and creating amazing transformations for yourself right away.

About the Author

Navin Sinha is a Technology Entrepreneur, a Learning and Meta-Cognition Expert, and an Executive Coach and Mentor in Leadership, Communication, Strategy and Innovation.

Navin graduated from IIT Kanpur in Computer Science in 1995. He started his career with IBM and was involved in research projects in areas like Algorithms, Knowledge Management, Compilers and Artificial Intelligence.

Working on these topics provided him priceless insights on the computational and processing abilities of computers in correlation with the human mind. Combined with his own exceptional problem-solving skills and his mastery of multiple skills, e.g. music, sports, etc. and his deep spiritual explorations, he was able to distill the functioning of human cognition in a way that could be applied to all human cognitive faculties - learning, problem-solving, communication, inter-personnel skills, creativity, innovation, strategy and everything that requires a deep use of our mind and cognition.

Navin's pursuit has been to find a convergence of Human and Machine Intelligence, and to find ways in which the two can complement and empower each other. His technology organization, ReInvent, is working on the futuristic paradigms of Intelligence based on these concepts.

Navin created ReInvent in 2006 to bring these concepts with the same objective as the name suggests - to 'reinvent' the paradigm of intelligence and its applications to align with the current challenges of humanity.

Book Details

Number of Pages: 105
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The ASK Technique - An Introduction

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