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Musings of The ReInvent Mind Volume III

The Art of Transformation
Navin K Sinha
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹1,020 + shipping
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Suppose you are searching for something in a dark room in a corner where you believe the object to be. You spend a lot of time groping in the dark, unable to find it there.

Then, somebody walks into the room and turns on the light. You now see that the object you were searching for is in the opposite corner of the room. You move to that corner and pick the object.

Transformation is a flipping of this switch – turning on the lights – so that you can instantly SEE for yourself what is.

About the Author

Navin Sinha is a visionary technology entrepreneur, a distinguished expert in learning and meta-cognition, and a seasoned executive coach specializing in leadership, communication, strategy, and innovation.

A Computer Science graduate from IIT Kanpur, Navin's interests in technology revolved around algorithms and the theory of computation, inspiring his fascination with the algorithmic and mathematical foundations of human intelligence and the potential of machines to emulate human creativity. This passion sparked a profound journey into understanding human cognition and consciousness, culminating in the concept of Meta-Intelligence—a paradigm exploring the intelligence that underpins all forms of intelligence.

His technology company ReInvent is rooted in the principles of meta-intelligence. The company's mission is to amalgamate the dimensions of human and machine intelligence, fostering collaboration between the two. This innovative approach not only drives the development of cutting-edge technologies but also emphasizes unlocking human potential and enhancing intelligence.

As an author of 13 books...

Book Details

Publisher: Self
Number of Pages: 156
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: Full Color
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Musings of The ReInvent Mind Volume III

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