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Time Heals Everything

Time Heals Everything

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8 Customer Reviews

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Sanunikhil 2 years, 7 months ago

Felt like I lived in the story.

While reading this book, I felt like it's my own life. It was so relatable. All the characters were perfectly fitted in this story. Even my Girl cried after reading this one.

its.preetiprajapati 2 years, 6 months ago Verified Buyer

More than a story

The Book not only tells you a love story but also afterlife of love.
It shows you the beautiful and innocent side of love along with unexpected twist and turns that life brings your way.
And how you overcome them through the tiring process of healing.
Emotional journey portrayed, is quite Relatable for readers.
Last question that came to my mind after reading the story was - does time really heals everything ?
And the answer is quite dynamic !

Prachi Saxena 2 years, 6 months ago

It managed to surpass my high expectations

I am still dipping my toes into the fiction pool, finding what works for me and what doesn’t. I got the chills so many times toward the end of this book. It completely blew my mind. It managed to surpass my high expectations AND be nothing at all like I expected. The hype around this book has been unquestionable and, admittedly, that made me both eager to get my hands on it and terrified to read it. I mean, what if I was to be the one person that didn’t love it as much as others?

Shubham D 2 years, 6 months ago

Must read novel

I knew this one was a must-read, so I was ready to set my fears aside and dive in. That said, I had an altogether more personal, ulterior motive for wanting to read this book. Nikhil seamlessly combines contemporary realism with fantasy, blurring the edges in a way that highlights that place where stories and real-life convene, where magic contains truth and the world as it appears is false, where just about anything can happen, particularly in the pages of a very good book.

Priyanka Kulkarni 2 years, 6 months ago

Great world-building, romance, and worth the read.

Great world-building, romance, and worth the read.
I hesitate to describe this book as a 'romance' novel simply because the book spent little time actually exploring the romance between Pavel and Sharon. Sure, there IS a romance in this novel. Sprinkled throughout the book are a few scenes where Pavel and Sharon meet, chat, wink at each other, flirt some more, have a misunderstanding, and then profess their love. Very formulaic stuff, and all woven around the more important parts of this book.
I really enjoyed it.

Anjila Hussain 2 years, 6 months ago

One of those books that completely drags you in and makes you fall in love.

Isn't it just so great when you find one of those books that completely drags you in, makes you fall in love with the characters and demands that you sit on the edge of your seat for every horrific, nail-biting moment of it? This is one of those books for me.

Keerti Agarwal 2 years, 6 months ago

It feels absolutely real, as though I'm reading someone's actual journal.

Over the course of the novel, Pavel undergoes a definite transformation from child to mature young adult, even though it's only over the course of several months. I love that I could see into his mindset and read exactly what he was feeling when he thought out situations. His thoughts flowed well and moved the book along very quickly. He is serious at times, but also very witty, which makes for an engaging read. It feels absolutely real, as though I'm reading someone's actual journal. Sometimes I forget that I am reading a story and not a real-life account.

Shruti Arora 2 years, 6 months ago

Amazing story with an after breakup life

When I read this book for the first time, I was amazed and stunned. The writer Nikhil had an amazing imagination power. This book tells the story of Pavel and Sharon's love story. The author Nikhil is an astonishing writer who has written another book - The Verse in my Mind as well. I suggest this book to everyone. You should read it if you have not. I am sure you will love this.