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Poezija vol.1

Noel Lorenz
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹1,010 + shipping
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Poezija is an International Literature Event founded by Noel Lorenz. Writers get to submit twenty of their best poems during the project. Three out of the twenty poems are nominated for the Noel Lorenz Award 2024.
The Noel Lorenz Award is given to honor the writers for their hard work and poetic contributions to world literature.
In 2024, poets from different continents have submitted their poetry.
This anthology is a collection of 800 poems submitted during the event.
It has English and Hindi poems.

About the Author

Who is Noel Lorenz?
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Noel Lorenz is a novelist and a poet from the City of Joy, Kolkata, Bharat. He has been successfully writing haiku for over 3 years. He has a love for literature and a mind that tries to think out of the box. He has invented a few types of poetry that have been loved and written internationally — Noelo Poems and Hug Poetry are two such inventions.
His horror/mystery debut novel is available as a Trilogy and also as a novel — “Ascent of Passage Trilogy: The Complete Novel.”
Noel Lorenz is the founder of Noel Lorenz House of Fiction (NLHF), a publishing house based in Kolkata and operating globally. NLHF strives to bring the unheard authors from Bharat, Asia and Africa to the global platform. He was awarded the Gandhi Mandela International Award (Bharat) for uplifting African Literature. He was also awarded the Miguel de Cervantes Literary Award (Spain), Machu Picchu International Award (Spain, Peru) for his contributions to world literature.

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197028885
Publisher: Noel Lorenz House of Fiction
Number of Pages: 622
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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