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The sage and the scientist

Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
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Majority of spiritual seekers feel that Self is something to be achieved. It is a misconception. Self is already the case but we are unable to feel its presence because it is clouded by thick clouds of conditioning born out of identity to the body, family, tradition, beliefs, dogmas, nationality, race, caste, creed, profession, gender, etc. Many feel that living a positive life means is to have more ambition, greed, arrogance, accumulating more knowing, always in a state of “becoming” which involves time. Actually these are all the signs of mental disorder and living with them leads to a life of conflict, contradiction, sorrow, despair and we are alienated from our own Self with such way of living. So it is a negative way of living and humanity is unfortunately conditioned in that way. Positive way of living involves a life of living in the present moment and act...

About the Author

The author,Dr.P.V.S.Suryanarayana Raju is pediatrician from Andhra Pradesh,India,born on 12th December 1950.He is working on the subject of self-inquiry for the past 30 years under the living Presence and guidance of Ramana Maharshi which he discovered 30 years ago in Ramanasramam.He is a frequent visitor to Ramanasramam and out of greatfulness to Bhagawan he wrote many books analyzing his teachings and these books are some of them.His works include The Art of self-enquiry,Alpha and Omega of self-inquiry,The essence of self-inquiry part 1 & 2, Insights in self-inquiry Part 1 & 2,Theory of self-inquiry,The Practice of self-inquiry,The theory and Practice of self-inquiry,The comprehensive book on self-inquiry,,Know Thyself,self-inquiry in yoga Vasista,Self-inquiry in Adi Sankara works,he wrote self-inquiry quotes in two volumes,commented on "who am i",Upadesa saram,Akshara Mana Malai of Ramana Maharshi and all are his products of his own experience.He wrote many books on Bhagawan in Telugu which include "Nenevadanu? which...

Book Details

ISBN: 9781480190030
Number of Pages: 63
Dimensions: A4
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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