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Acknowlwdge the Rebel Within
Paras Sharma
Type: Print Book
Genre: Drama/Play
Language: English
Price: ₹140 + shipping
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Everywhere we look around, we find an epidemic of stress in society nowadays. People are stressed at work , that they really do not enjoy doing but continue to earn a living. We find people in rat races competing hard to be the first to reach on top of the ladder. Not only this takes a toll on their health in long term but also at the end many realize that they were pursuing the wrong ladder-something not really meant for them. Result while they may be respected and considered successful by the society; inside of them they feel empty. An inner void sets in and they feel unhappy in spite of being so called “Successful”.

Through this book, my endeavour is to encourage people to reconsider the paradigm that society sets among us and come up with their own definition of success and happiness. Each one of us is quite different from the rest. There are some unique things that each one of us can pursue and express that would bring us happiness and ecstasy. For example singers are often found in a different trance while singing their favorite song, artists tap in a different zone while painting and expressing their creativity, athletes have reported a sense of “time loss” when they were totallyengaged in an athletic pursuit. The list goes endless.

This book suggests ways to find one’s bliss and fearlessly pursue it, resulting in greater fulfillment. We all want to be happy and its possible for everyone to discover their gifts and express it. “Flight to Freedom” will inspire and show ways to do that.

The parable narrated showcases lives of some pet birds and the interesting conversations they have among them. Some think that its good to be in a cage with family as all their needs of food, shelter etc. are taken care of. And then there is a rebel who says that although there might be comfort, we can’t fly here. Flying is a bird true nature and until they express it, they will miss joyand ecstasy in life. There are debates among them, occasional fights and a lot of drama.

In this war of Comfort Vs. Freedom…Who will win? Find it out in Flight to Freedom.

About the Author

Paras Sharma has been an internationally acclaimed author since 2012, with a flair for creative writing. He has been featured in leading newspapers such as the Hindustan Times, as well as international journals like the "Journal of International Students, USA". His passion for writing and commitment to his values make him an inspiration to many. His first book, "Uncle Sam Calling", was well-received internationally and quickly became a bestseller. Paras' works offer a unique insight into life that readers can implement and benefit from. He encourages readers to free their minds from societal conditioning and live a life aligned with their nature and conscious values, embracing their individuality. Currently working in the Information Technology sector, he resides in New Delhi with his family. Apart from work and writing, Paras spends his time reading, listening to music, walking in nature, watching cricket, and being with his family. To read more insightful books and creative animations by Paras, visit

Book Details

Number of Pages: 55
Dimensions: 5.82"x8.27"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Saddle Stitched)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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