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Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Horror
Language: English
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Welcome into the macabre world of the zombies, vampires, mummies and more with "Flash of the UnDead", an electrifying collection of horror flash fictions from Wicked Shadow Press. This anthology, meticulously curated by the dynamic compiler of dark tales, Parth Sarathi Chakraborty, features 70 flash horror stories that will haunt your dreams and make you do a double take the next time you see hunger on a fellow human's face.

Prepare to savour the sinister horror of zombies, the seductive malice of vampires, and the ancient terror of mummies as each story plunges you into a realm where death is just the beginning. Encounter draugrs rising from their icy graves, experience Frankenstein-inspired nightmares, and witness the grotesque transformation of the human condition that blurs the line between the living and the undead.

With contributions from both seasoned masters of horror and rising stars, "Flash of the UnDead" offers a kaleidoscope of fear that will grip you from the first page to the last. Prepare yourself for a journey into darkness where every flicker of hope is but a fleeting illusion and survival is the ultimate horror.

Andrew Kurtz, Barlow Crassmont, Bissme S, BW Bloodlust, Chad Anctil, Daniel DiQuinzio, David Luquer, David O'Mahony, Dawn Colclasure, Del Gibson, Desiree Horton, Diane Arrelle, Don Money, Donald Glass, Elizabeth Suggs, F. Malanoche, Fernando E. Silva, Garry Engkent, Hayden Robinson, Heddy Johannesen, Ian Gielen, Irina Tall, J. Rocky Colavito, Jacek Wilkos, Jason Kristopher, Jason Lairamore, JB Corso, Jessica Gleason, John A. DeLaughter, John Affleck, John Lloyd, Jonah Jones, Jonathan Reddoch, Joseph E. Arechavala, Joshua Vise, Justin Eells, Kain S. Bishop, Kathleen Halecki, Kay Vance, Keith B Walters, L.W. Young, LaVern Spencer McCarthy, LF Mills, Liam Kerry, Linda M. Crate, Lolly Sparrow, Lorraine Sharma Nelson, Martin Eastland, Max Christmas, Nelly Shulman, Norbert Góra, Patrick Winters, Paul O’Neill, Phoenix Mendoza, Ricardo D. Rebelo, Robert Pope, Sarah Das Gupta, Shaun Avery, Sheri White, Stephen A. Roddewig, Summer Bosley, T.L. Beeding, Terry Alexander, Tony Earnshaw, Val Roberts, William J. Connell

Book Details

ISBN: 9788197231018
Publisher: Wicked Shadow Press
Number of Pages: 247
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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