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Apprentice to the Masters, Adventures of a Western Mystic: Book II

Adventures of a Western Mystic, Book II
Peter Mt. Shasta
Type: Print Book
Genre: Religion & Spirituality
Language: English
Price: ₹750 + shipping
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The latest revised edition of the true story of encounters with Ascended Masters, enlightened beings known in the East as Bodhisattvas, who have attained the Rainbow Body, yet who can and do appear in whatever form needed to assist humanity. Here are the adventures of an individual as the Masters bring him face to face with his own Higher Self—the I AM Presence.The Master known as Saint Germain materialized in a physical body before Peter Mt. Shasta, changing his life forever. Although offered liberation, he chose to remain and serve the Masters in their mission of preparing humanity for the coming changes. Saint Germain sent him to a woman in Mount Shasta by the name of Pearl for spiritual instruction in contacting his Higher Self, receiving Its guidance, and bringing It into action in the outer world. His training led him not only to inner spiritual retreats, but also...

About the Author

Awakening from the dream of materialism, Peter journeyed to the Far East. In India he spent time with Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba, eventually traveling to the Himalayan foothills to live briefly with Gongotri Baba, a disciple of Babaji. Later he traveled to Tibet and Egypt, but did not find his true path until Sathya Sai Baba instructed him to meditate on the I AM--where all paths become one.

Returning from the East, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, initiator of the Aquarian Age, materialized before him in Muir Woods near San Francisco and told him to go to Mount Shasta where he would meet the teacher who would prepare him to work with the Masters in their quest to help humanity. This teacher was Pearl Dorris, a former assistant to Godfre Ray King (author of "Unveiled Mysteries"). Vowing to accomplish the training that was offered,...

Book Details

ISBN: 9780692570449
Publisher: Church of the Seven Rays
Number of Pages: 454
Dimensions: 6.00"x9.00"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Apprentice to the Masters, Adventures of a Western Mystic: Book II

Apprentice to the Masters, Adventures of a Western Mystic: Book II

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