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Nayi Kalam Nayi Kitab

Pradeep Pal
Type: Print Book
Genre: Romance, Poetry
Language: Hindi
Price: ₹190 + shipping
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After my first book “yadon ke jharokhon se” this is my second attempt to reach to you. Truly speaking most of the poems/ ghazals are just reflection of last one year experience. Some poems popped out from the old diary. When you face some experience which is life shaking, then you don’t want to run, you want to go deep within you. And when you talk to yourself then the seed of poetry becomes alive and this gives rise to poetry.
The moments of life give rise to poetry. And this book is all about these moments. Love, Pain, sacrifice, society, beauty, courage, motivation almost every aspect of life is covered from the poet’s heart. It has all the facets of life. When you pick up the pen your capacity to struggle increases. The pen always motivates you to face problems and keep on giving you inner strength. This...

About the Author

Born on 8th march 1985 in a small town Chhibramau of Uttar Pradesh, Pradeep Pal, did his graduation from SRMSCET, Bareilly. Since then he is working as a scientist in DRDO.
Writing has been core of his multifaceted personality. Later his efforts and sincerity elevated it to professional level. He is very sincere person. But this you cannot say after meeting him. You cannot know the war of words going inside him by seeing him. Very beautifully he hides this war in his smile. This war of words later on comes out as beautiful poems, then you recognize his sincerity and sensitivity.He is magical orator. He can mesmerize anyone from his words. His way of interaction and motivation is totally different. He devotes lot of his time in social thinking. Which also reflects in his writings. He writes beautifully on love and its associated feeling. He writes truly form heart....

Book Details

ISBN: 9789352670932
Publisher: SPH
Number of Pages: 116
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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