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Magical Ventures of Loli and Lenny, Volume 1

Trumpets in the Wild
Pratibha R DH
Type: Print Book
Genre: Literature & Fiction, Children
Language: English
Price: ₹193 + shipping
Price: ₹193 + shipping
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Loli and Lenny are in for a shocking chain of events when Duke, their squirrel, starts talking to them. The cousins soon unravel many secret places in Lenny's chalet that is also the key to an unknown mysterious world. Before they can make any sense of the bizarre happenings around them, they learn that a secret organisation in the North Pole has chosen them for their mission. The sole mission of this organisation is to help planet earth and all its beings. Their first magical mission for planet earth exposes them to the dangers of the interior most jungles of Africa to encounters with enchanted mystical beings. Destined to become the saviours of new age earth, Loli and Lenny's only weapon against the deadly hazards is magic! And they must learn the craft fast to save one of the most precious beings on this planet.

About the Author

Pratibha R DH is the author of middle-grade, fantasy, and paranormal crime novels. Besides being able to manifest her love for writing through her career as an IT content specialist, she also blogs on topics such as mindfulness, spirituality, personal growth, writing, and intentional living.

These days her mantra for living an empowered life comprises a one-hour daily pack of yoga, meditation and morning pages. She loves to spend time with her family and generally be outdoors, taking a walk or simply spending time with nature. Music, swimming, dance, and reading are her other passions. She lives in India with her husband and two young sons.

Book Details

ISBN: 9788192592800
Publisher: Flugel Publishing House
Number of Pages: 145
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Magical Ventures of Loli and Lenny, Volume 1

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