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The Mindset Required for the Teens

Think beyond what you've been taught
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement, Teens
Language: English
Price: ₹199 + shipping
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"We are building a house in our old age, but they are becoming billionaires during this period." This made me wonder: how did these things work? - How do they do this? - What are we missing? This way of thinking transformed my life in ways I never expected, which is why I wrote this book. All humans are born with the same brain, so why do some people's cars cost more than some could ever earn in their lifetime? Why do car companies quote prices that exceed some people's lifetime wealth? After considering all of these factors, super wealthy people figured out something about the world that I don't yet understand. But once I knew all of this, my perspective shifted dramatically. I can no longer view things in the same way I did previously. These thoughts followed me around wherever I went. Until now, I've stated that those things shifted my perspective, but I've never described what it was. So, what is that? If you want to figure out what's going on, start reading this book right away.

About the Author

Just a common man with uncommon thinking. That's a little funny. I enjoy branching out into new fields. Similarly, when I was 16, I looked into entrepreneurship, and my perspective on this world entirely changed once I realized what was going on. So I thought it would be fantastic to share what I've learned with you. And here, the 2nd edition of my book "The Mindset Required for the Teens" has been published. I'm sure it will change your perspective on the world.

Book Details

ISBN: 9798894151861
Publisher: CreatiVerse Publishing
Number of Pages: 157
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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The Mindset Required for the Teens

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