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The Wet Civilisation

The Wet Civilisation

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20 Customer Reviews

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Jenny@Writes 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Vibrant Read

This read was just an amazing one that engages the reader with a spectrum of experiences like never before. The writing style and the presentation of the content,is just as mesmerizing as the entire book itself. An incredible one !!!

Rimi 10 months, 3 weeks ago

A good book

This is a science fiction about our environment and its consequences, with a touch of religious stories.
The story is unique and fun with the message of awareness towards our nature and how should we take care of it.
The writing style is simple, easy to read and fast paced. And even though it's not very complex, the plot will engage you with the book, till the end.
I enjoyed the book and it's perfect for one time read. So definitely recommend.

GARIMA Paliwal 11 months ago

Must read

"The Wet Civilisation" by Pravin Dhayfule is a thought-provoking exploration of a world submerged in water. With vivid imagery and imaginative storytelling, Dhayfule paints a captivating picture of a unique aquatic society. This short yet impactful read challenges our perceptions of what a fully water-covered Earth might look like.

arc2295 11 months ago

Absolutely good !!

"The Wet Civilization" by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule is a sci-fi fictional story that is set in the post-apocalyptic world.

The story happens when the entire land mass is erased from the earth. There are no land animals or beings. Absolutely nothing. That was when a new civilization started deep in the ocean. That's why the title is 'wet' civilization. Of course, the 'angels' have a special role in the plot because apparently, they oversee everything.

If you're interested in this genre, then you definitely have to read this. The story is intriguing, and you'll be amazed by the creativity of the author. As and when you keep reading it, you will be able to visualize the marine world inside the ocean.

D singh12 11 months, 1 week ago

Good book

Author Pravin Dhayfule takes readers on an imaginative journey in "The Wet Civilisation," a gripping tale set in a future where Earth, devastated by global disasters, undergoes a radical transformation. The narrative unfolds centuries after a cataclysmic event wipes out terrestrial life, echoing the extinction of dinosaurs. In this water-dominated world, remnants of human civilization, along with buildings and monuments, lie submerged beneath the vast ocean that now covers the entire planet. One of the strengths of "The Wet Civilisation" lies in the author's ability to weave a compelling and immersive narrative. Dhayfule crafts a world that is both fantastical and believable, exploring the consequences of environmental catastrophe and the resilience of life in the face of adversity. The underwater setting adds a unique dimension to the story, allowing for creative exploration of themes such as adaptation, survival, and the evolution of societies in unconventional environments. In concl

Sudeep01 11 months, 1 week ago


"The Wet Civilization" by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule immerses readers in a unique and captivating post-apocalyptic world. Earth, ravaged by disasters, now lies submerged beneath the ocean's depths, with only a fraction of its former terrestrial life surviving. Due to some catastrophic event, there is no land left in the world and the whole world got submerged in water. The narrative introduces us to a fascinating array of marine creatures, from fish to newts and turtles, all thriving in this aquatic realm.
What truly sets the book apart is the concept of the Angels, celestial overseers representing different aspects of nature. They come together to shape the burgeoning underwater civilization, lending the story depth and complexity. As tensions rise with the return of Lord Aztada, the plot delves into past conflicts and power struggles, adding an element of suspense that keeps readers engaged.

Pancake@21 11 months, 1 week ago

A unique and imaginative science fiction novel !!!

In a parallel to the extinction of the dinosaurs, terrestrial life, including humans, birds, and other animals, meets a similar fate as the entire landmass is submerged beneath the ocean's depths.

I completely immersed in a world of imagination and creativity, where names, situations, practices, and civilizations are entirely fictional.
Beneath the waves, a new civilization emerges, a testament to the Angels of Nature who guide the re-evolution of marine life. This underwater civilization, known as "The Wet Civilisation," becomes the focus of this thought-provoking science fiction narrative.

For those seeking an entertaining and thought-provoking read

Sathwik Patwardhan 11 months, 1 week ago


The Wet Civilization by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule is a captivating piece of science fiction that immerses readers in a world of wonderful imagination. This post-apocalyptic narrative takes place on a transformed Earth, where terrestrial life has been nearly wiped out by a series of cataclysmic disasters, leaving behind a water-covered planet inhabited by marine life.

The writing style is so good that I felt as if I was actually in another world. The depiction of this aquatic civilization, where fish, newts, turtles, snakes, mollusks, and other marine beings thrive, is both unique and engaging.

The novel introduces a fascinating cast of celestial overseers, the Angels, each representing different aspects of nature. The inclusion of Angels like the Water Angel, Air Angel, Fire Angel, Earth Angel, Light Angel, Lightning Angel, Forest Angel, Life Angel, Death Angel, Guardian Angel, and Mother Nature provides an intricate framework for the plot.

I completely loved it.

Kshama K Bhat 11 months, 1 week ago

Loved it.

The Wet Civilization by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule is a fascinating story set in a world after a lot of big disasters. Earth is now mostly underwater, and there are very few land-dwelling creatures left. Instead, the oceans are full of life, with fish, turtles, and other underwater animals taking charge.

What's interesting is that there are some special beings called Angels who oversee everything. These Angels represent different parts of nature, like water and air. They help guide the development of the new underwater civilization and keep things in balance.

The story gets really exciting when a character named Lord Aztada comes back with a grudge against the Angels. He brings a lot of conflict and suspense, and we learn about past wars and power struggles.

I think the best part is the author's imagination. I was mesmerized by the narrative. The entire idea was so new that I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Even though this was not my genre the book performed beyond my expectations.

anuradha123 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Thought provoking

I just read Wet Civilization and it was fascinating. It is a very eye-opening book. In it everything on land, like people and animals, disappeared, and only water was left. Then, deep in the ocean, these Angels of Nature made a new civilization of marine creatures, like fish and so on.

It's a really creative idea. The book made me think about what would happen if we didn't take care of our planet. Even though it's a short book, it has a big message about taking care of our Earth. It's a good read for kids and grown-ups who like thinking about the environment.

Mithlesh__099 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Excellent book

The Wet Civilisation by creator Pravin Balaji Dhayfule is an exceptionally intriguing and convincing fiction. The story is an ideal mix of natural issues, folklore and retribution. It's an exceptionally huge read for all science fiction darlings and all who are searching for some bold read. Caps off to the writer for composing such an incredible showstoppers.
Here in this magnum opus you will be flabbergasted to know such clever reality about our adored Earth. After hundreds of years an emotional change has happened to Earth as it's goes through a progression of fiascos. It prompts the termination of individual alongside all earthly creatures very much like the eradication of Dinosaurs. Every one of the streams, water bodies converged into the enormous sea that prompts the entire world lowered submerged. Then, at that point, water turned into the main spot where life can exist. A different exhibit of oceanic species turned into the primary piece of biological system. Here another idea

Leena Singh 11 months, 2 weeks ago


I found this book captivating till the end. I highly recommend this book for adults & specially for kids since they'll learn & enjoy a lot!!!!

The story revolves around destruction & conservation of Nature via interesting characters like angels, oracles, mother nature, humans etc. The book starts with massive destruction of nature which ultimately is the fault of organisms living on it specially, humans. Since, we do not take appropriate steps for conserving our mother earth.

After a while, the marine life flourishes & they recreate the humans by naming them "Frog-like-humans" hence, "frogids". Everything goes well for a few years but then, again, enemy starts showing their colors & try to sabotage everything. The angels turn into demons due to their egoistic nature & this is a concept of morality here. Much appreciated, that the author told us how we shouldn't let our ego come in between of our kindness ever.

_shivam_017_ 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Must read

The Wet Civilization by Pravin Balaji Dhayfule is an innovative work of fiction that transports perusers to a dystopian Earth where an emotional change has happened. The planet has gotten through a progression of destructive calamities, bringing about the close complete demolition of earthbound life. What remains is a world lowered in water, with all streams, lakes, lakes, and bodies of land converged into a huge sea.The creator illustrates a world where mankind has dwindled to a simple part of its previous populace, with just 30% of life enduring the mass obliteration. This reason makes way for an intriguing investigation of strength, transformation, and the unyielding soul of life itself. The creator presents a different exhibit of oceanic species, including fish, newts, turtles, snakes, mollusks, and other marine animals, who have assumed control over the planet's environment.

Key to the story is the fascinating idea of divine supervisors known as the Heavenly messengers.

Witty 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Great read

The Wet Civilisation: The era when 100% of Earth is Water" delves into a startling yet intriguing dystopian future, presenting a world where land is but a relic of the past. As Earth becomes a vast expanse of water, this book navigates the waves of human adaptability, resilience, and innovation in the face of overwhelming change.

The narrative is richly textured, diving deep into the transformed socio-cultural fabric of this waterlogged existence. Societies floating on vast rafts, economies built around marine resources, and underwater cities become the new normal. Yet, amidst this drastic environmental shift, the core human spirit—its desires, politics, ambitions, and conflicts—remains as turbulent as the world's new endless oceans.

Sai preetham 11 months, 2 weeks ago


"The Wet Civilization: The Era When 100% of Earth is Water" by Pravin Dhayfule offers a unique dive into the realm of science fiction. This book challenges readers to keep an open mind as it embarks on an unconventional journey through the evolution of Earth and its inhabitants.

Starting from a point where humans have vanished, and Earth is completely submerged in water, the narrative presents a world where life has taken on aquatic forms. Underwater plants have evolved into towering trees, and the discussion of the next phase of evolution is left to the energies of mother nature and angels. The absence of humans prompts a search for a successor, leading to the emergence of the intriguing "frogtids."

The story focus on this new civilization, while the angels reminisce about the past human world they miss. As the plot develops, it delves into various elements, including oracles, priests, and the fears harbored by the angels.