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The Wet Civilisation

The Wet Civilisation

(4.95 out of 5)

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20 Customer Reviews

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Bookwormsakshi 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Fascinating read

The Wet Civilisation" by Pravin Dhayfule is a unique book that takes you on a journey into a world submerged in water. What inspired me most was the concept of a new civilization emerging from the depths of the ocean. It's a fascinating idea of life finding a way even in the most challenging conditions.

I found the book relatable in its portrayal of the resilience of life. Just as in our world, where we face various challenges and adversities, the characters in this book also overcome obstacles, which I could relate to.

This book is a science fiction adventure that pushes the boundaries of imagination. The title and the cover art beautifully capture the essence of a world covered in water. They set the right expectations for the reader.

While I enjoyed the book's concept, I felt that the character development could have been stronger. I wanted to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

thedivyeshhirani 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Thought-provoking read

The Wet Civilisation" by Pravin Dhayfule is a thought-provoking book that sparks your imagination. What truly inspired me was the concept of a post-apocalyptic world submerged underwater, and the emergence of a new civilization. It's a testament to the resilience of life.

The relatable aspect for me was the theme of adapting to change, something we all face in our lives. The characters in this book adapt to a radically different world, and it mirrors our ability to adjust to unexpected challenges.

This book falls into the science fiction genre, and its title and cover art do justice to its content. They give you a glimpse of the watery world within.

One aspect that could be improved is the pacing. While the concept is fascinating, there were moments when the story felt a bit slow.

Pravin Dhayfule's writing style is descriptive, immersing you in the underwater world. However, it could benefit from a bit more conciseness.

Jayasingh 11 months, 2 weeks ago


"The Wet Civilisation: The era when 100% of Earth is Water" by Pravin Dhayfule is a speculative science fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey into a world where water has completely engulfed the Earth's surface. The story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where terrestrial life has almost completely disappeared as a result of a series of catastrophic events that the Earth has experienced.

One of the most notable aspects of this novel is the author's vivid and detailed descriptions of the water-covered world. Dhayfule's ability to bring this aquatic civilization to life is truly impressive. From the floating cities to the underwater landscapes, the reader is fully immersed in this enchanting and dangerous world.
Furthermore, the plot of the novel is fast-paced and filled with suspense and unexpected twists. Dhayfule keeps readers engaged with a series of thrilling events and encounters, making it difficult to put the book down.

Saloniss 11 months, 2 weeks ago


It is a fantasy novel that takes readers to the journey of adventure, magic & wonder. The way the Author has connected the dots of fantasy, our past & future is impeccable & admirable

The story revolves around angels, oracles, mother nature, humans etc. At the start, destruction of nature has been depicted with utmost genuine reasons like natural calamities, deforestation, pollution etc due to which the whole human species becomes extinct. After a few years, the marine life flourishes & they try to create human-like creatures & name them "Frogids" which was quite unique & interesting concept.

Everything goes well for a few years but then, again, the bad one's starts showing their true colours & the angels who were literally working as "angels" before under the guidance of mother nature turn egoistic & things started worsening.

Their journey is thrilling & full of adventure. The book teaches us multiple valuable lessons like mannerisms, true friendships, brave

Dholakia 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Engrossing Read

If you love to read science fiction, this is the book for you. In the book, The Wet Civilisation, the author presents a picture of a world where there is no land. Humans have become extinct and there is nothing but water on Earth.
Life in this new normal is found only in the water. This new reality has necessitated the creation of a new species that will take this new “Wet” civilization ahead. The Angels of Nature has a new task on their hand and they create a new specie called Frogids.
How does this new species perform as compared to humans? Will the earth be a better place as it is now free of humans and their shortcomings? What are the challenges ahead? To know the answers, you will have to read this richly imaginative story.
I enjoyed reading this story with an imaginative and fantastical plot. The writing style was engaging and the characters acted more or less like humans. This is the story of hope, resilience, and new beginnings amidst all the chaos. Give this book a read.