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3 Culprits

Laziness, Fear & Doubt
Preetham Madhukar
Type: Print Book
Genre: Self-Improvement
Language: English
Price: ₹1,299 + shipping
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3 Culprits: Laziness, Fear & Doubt—Your Blueprint to Curb Away the Limitations Blinding You from A Better Life

You look around you, and you watch the people around you manifesting, living, breathing their dreams into reality…while you’re just…sitting there.

Same job. Same lackluster life…everything is so different from what you thought your life would look like when you were younger.

You wanted to be the life of the party, working a job that you actually enjoyed.

Happy. Healthy. Full of zeal and energy.

You wanted everyone to look up to you and say, “God, that person has everything figured out!”

However, here you are, just wondering what went wrong with your life.

You say that you weren’t born for it.

Do you actually find this to be true… Or are you shying away, shifting the blame on something you think you can’t control… because you’re just afraid...

About the Author

For Preetham Madhukar, the idea of WILL has always been intriguing. The Power of Intention. The Force of sole determination.

Ever since he was a teen, he loved seeing people, dreamers break through their limitations and work up to their best potential using their Will— and see their dreams turn into reality. This inspired him to believe, take challenges head on, and recognize the changes it had brought into his life.

Preetham has mastered the seas as a sailor for over 20 years. He knows the struggle of dealing with fear, doubt and laziness firsthand. And in the seas, the waves, and the turning weather, as a sea captain, he has managed to pave his way and maintain his will power to explore the world. He brings his insights on how to overcome your laziness, fears, and doubts which you face at every turn in your life.


Book Details

ISBN: 9789357011389
Publisher: Preetham Madhukar
Number of Pages: 302
Dimensions: 6"x9"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Hard Cover (Case Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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