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The Shadow of Darkness

The Shadow of Darkness

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kinjalparekh98 7 years ago

Re: The Shadow of Darkness

The Shadow of Darkness is a story revolving around Maya and her daughter Sejal.
The book is very well written and edited with no grammatical errors. The plot sequence and events occurrence are perfectly merged and put into words.
The story connects emotionally to the reader in which the author has very beautifully shown almost all important relationships that one have in their lives - especially the mother-daughter relationship and a relationship between best friends.
Though at a point you get jumbled up with too many people and their names, but the character development was done perfectly.

The writer has not only realised the issues women face un this world but also how men are being a victim of the pain and torture. How  a mother got strength to fight demons just because she wanted her daughter to get the living she deserved and how she recovered being a brave and a better version of herself in future. Not setting with her past, how she helped others and served the society.
Highlighting the struggle and the way to break free, how to overcome past emotional trauma, importance of family, love, relations and how sharing our problems with loved one's helps us mentally.
To sum up, it is a motivating and very realistic read.

Few Quotes -

• The more you run, the faster it catches up with you.

• When you need to decide your next move, try to buy it.

• It's okay to lose confidence. It's okay to feel helpless at some point. It's okay to feel weak at times. We all get scared but it is not okay to withdraw ourselves to the situation.

• Gathering courage and fighting our battles make us true human beings.