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Radha Sings The Blues

Poetry about heartbreak and the ones that got away
Radhika Kadiwala
Type: Print Book
Genre: Poetry
Language: English
Price: ₹500 + shipping
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This one is
for people
who loved right,
trusted wrong.
And lost
the key
to their hearts,
or worse,
their heart.
For those
silent tears,
may they know
they aren’t alone.
That somewhere
just like you,
through the loneliness
Radha Sings The Blues.

About the Author

I read - like a maniac; and I write. I write like a shot of espresso on a Monday morning. You need it indefinitely, but it is not indulgence. The idea is to meet that transition. I'd like to be that savoured cappuccino in a cafe in Paris on a cold romantic evening. Some days I am almost there, and some days I'm here at my desk gulping down the espresso that keeps me sane.
I am passionately curious about what makes people tick, what inspires them, who they are when nobody is looking, and what really drives them.
I love beer, whisky, London, coffee, rains, books, all things 'Apple' and the night sky.
Also an ardent Michael Schumacher, Roger Federer, and Rafael Nadal fan (in that order.)

Book Details

Number of Pages: 164
Dimensions: 5"x8"
Interior Pages: B&W
Binding: Paperback (Perfect Binding)
Availability: In Stock (Print on Demand)

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Radha Sings The Blues

Radha Sings The Blues

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